American Heritage - April 1972

Categoría: Compra - Venta
Subcategoría: Libros - Revistas
_E-3_ / editor.: USA-American Heritage / Encuadern.: Hardcover / Colec.: / 1 ª edic. / U.S.A. / ---> The premier magazine of the United States of America History. Boston Painters by Carla Davidson; Twas the Nineteenth of April in 1875 by David B. Little; Private Fastness by William W. Winn; A Michigan Boyhood by Bruce Catton; We Are Going to Do Away with These Boys by Pete Daniel; Mors Sock and Less Buskin by Peter Andrews; The End of the Alabama by Norman C. Delaney; Men of the Revolution - IV by Richard M. Kethum; The Late Late Frontier by Gerald Carson; Scienc, Learning, and the Claims of Nationalism by Henry Steele Commager; American Design II, The Legacy of Craftsmen by Marshall b. DAvidson; Sculpting T. R. by James Earle Fraser. Houdini\'s Hgh-Flying Hoax by Art Ronnie; Postscripts to History; The Revisionist: Dewey at Manila Bay 1898.
American Heritage - April 1972
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