Antorcha olimpica barcelona 92 original / original barcelona 92 olympic torch
Categoría: Compra - Venta
Subcategoría: Colecciones - Antigüedades
Subcategoría: Colecciones - Antigüedades
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Antorcha Olímpica Oficial de los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona 92. Pieza numerada de coleccionista, única e irrepetible. Funciona perfectamente y aun tiene gas original ya que solo se utilizó para correr un kilometro en tierras gallegas, está en muy buen estado de conservación ya que solo tiene unas pequeñas marquitas en la parte plateada frontal que son facilmente restaurables. El precio de esta antorcha ha llegado en el mercado a los 6000 € y en caso que necesiten ver más fotos se las podemos enviar o venir a verla si son de Vigo.
Olympian Official torch of the Olympic Games of Barcelona 92. Piece numbered of collector, only and unrepeatable. It works perfectly and even it has original gas since only it was in use for traversing a kilometre in Galician lands, is in good condition of conservation since only it has a few small marquitas in the silver frontal part that they are easily restaurables. The price of this torch has come on the market to the 6000 € and in case that more photos need to see them she can send or come to be seen if they are from Vigo.
Olympian Official torch of the Olympic Games of Barcelona 92. Piece numbered of collector, only and unrepeatable. It works perfectly and even it has original gas since only it was in use for traversing a kilometre in Galician lands, is in good condition of conservation since only it has a few small marquitas in the silver frontal part that they are easily restaurables. The price of this torch has come on the market to the 6000 € and in case that more photos need to see them she can send or come to be seen if they are from Vigo.