Maimonides and Spinoza: Their sources, cosmological metaphysics, and impact on modern, thougnt and literature. (Texto en
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Descripción Maimonides and Spinoza: Their sources, cosmological metaphysics, and impact on modern, thougnt and literature. (Texto en
Maimonides and Spinoza: Their sources, cosmological metaphysics, and impact on modern, thougnt and literature. (Texto en inglés). --- Anaya / Las Américas, 1973, New York.
Maimonides and Spinoza: Their sources, cosmological metaphysics, and impact on modern, thougnt and literature. (Texto en inglés). --- Anaya / Las Américas, 1973, New York.
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Maimonides and Spinoza: Their sources, cosmological metaphysics, and impact on modern, thougnt and literature. (Texto en inglés). --- Anaya / Las Américas, 1973, New York.
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