Profesora nativa de inglés clases por skype

Categoría: Cursos - Clases
Subcategoría: Cursos de Idiomas
Llame para el precio
Puedo ayudarle con la preparación para los exámenes de Trinity GESE, ISE y SEW)
Tengo mucha experiencia trabajando con niños de todas las edades: - clases de preparación para examenes de TOEFL, GESE, CELTS, ISE, SEW
- en un jardín infantil
- clases particulares de conversación, grammatica, especifico para examenes de Inglés para entrar la universidad
- en colegios (con estudiantes de todos los cursos de primaria hasta bachillerato)
Estoy graduada en maestro de educación secundaria/ pedagogía.
- con una especialización en idiomas extranejeros
Por favor ver mi websitio para organizar una clase :

Private English Language Tutor (Online and In-home)
I have been tutoring students online and in their own homes for the past 3 years. I have tutored students in the following areas: -Reading for special purposes (eg children with a reading level below that of their peers)
- ESL for University Entrance (TOEFL exam preparation) 
- Conversation classes (based on World News, Current Affairs, Personal Interests)
- Trinity Exam preparation
- Grammar classes
English/Reading Tutor
Role: This role involved assisting school-aged students with their reading using a specific program developed by the Australian government called “Reading Recovery”. The teaching of spelling, writing and phonics are also a part of the program. Full details of the program here:
Language Teacher
(Fairfield High School, Sydney)
Role: Taught English as a Second Language, Spanish and German to students aged between 13-18 years. This involved working with students from various lingustic backgrounds and teaching them the necessary skills (grammar, analyzing texts, spelling) in order to be able to communicate effectively in a foreign language. A variety of teaching methods were employed to make the lessons educational and engaging.
Language Teacher (St Ives High School, Sydney)
Taught English as a Second Language, German and Spanish to students aged between 13-18 years. Many of the classes were preparing students for their Higher School Certicate (the major exam/qualification students receive in an Australian High School). This involved teaching grammar and text analysis through other subjects eg Science, Geography or History for example. Research has shown that this is one of the best ways for learners to become fluent in another language. I also taught English classes which involved reading and responding to text as well as teaching students how to produce a variety of text types (essays, reports, speeches, debates).
English Language Assistant (Colegio Ernest Hemingway, Alcala de Henares)
I am currently working in a bilingual primary school. Some lessons I am assisting students with conversation practice, vocabulary ect whilst other lessons I run myself. The school believes in teaching English through core subjects using a communicative immersion approach. This style is often referred to as Content Integrated Language Learning and is a similar style to that which is use d to teach English as a Second Language in Australia.
Oakhill College Castle Hill Completed Higher School Certificate
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Bachelor of Arts and Diploma of Education (Spanish, German,TESOL)

OTRAS OFERTAS PARA Profesora nativa de inglés clases por skype (10)

Cursos - Clases
Cursos de Idiomas
Profesora nativa de inglés cualificada y con experiencia imparte clases... particulares por skype. Clases de conversación para mejorar, hablar fluido y aumentar..

Cursos - Clases
Tutoría - clases particulares
INGLÉSPROFESORA NATIVACLASES DE CONVERSACIÓN POR SKYPE Profesora nativa...) con más de 4 años de experiencia y buenas referencias imparte clases privadas de inglés... de inglés, licenciada por la Universidad de Granada (Traducción e Interpretación..