Refined Oil sunflower

Categoría: Compra - Venta
Subcategoría: Otras ventas
Refined sunflower oil of the highest quality in Europe, currently the best price on the European market, originally from Ukraine. For prices and necessary quote LOI, we work only and exclusively with LC, we ship worldwide (CIF WORLD)

Quantity minimum: 400T


OTRAS OFERTAS PARA Refined Oil sunflower (10)

Compra - Venta
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Refined sunflower oil of the highest quality in Europe, currently the best..

Compra - Venta
Otras ventas
1.  REFINED SUNFLOWER OIL:   Specific Gravity at 20c  0.916-0.923 Refractive...  2. CRUDE SUNFLOWER OIL: Grade  Highest Sunflower oil process  Mechanical...  Odorless and Bland          REFINED: U$D 890 PER METRIC TONE.Minimum 5000 ton bottled..