Réplica de bolsos,replica handbags,fashion handbags,designer handbags( www.clbag.com)
Categoría: Compra - Venta
Subcategoría: Ropa - Accesorios
Subcategoría: Ropa - Accesorios
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Descripción Réplica de bolsos,replica handbags,fashion handbags,designer handbags( www.clbag.com)
Dear Sirs and Madam,
Glad to know that you are finding a reliable brand handbags supplier. We would like to build long-term business relationship with your company. We have engaged in manufacturing and selling replica handbags for over 15 years.We supply replica handbags of CHANEL, LV, Gucci, , Balenciaga, , Chole, Christian Dior, Fendi, MiuMiu so on. To the styles of each brand, we can make 98% of them, and all are with refined quality and wholesale price. Welcome to browse our website at www.clbag.com to have a see of the styles and prices.
1. There is no minimum order quantity. You can order some samples to check the quality first.
2. We only offer good quality replica handbags & watches,you can order some samples by use shopping cart at our website directly, and there are wholesale prices for items.
3. To payment terms, we accept Western Union, Bank Wire and Credit card.
4. Shipping: 5-7 days
5. we can do drop ship to your customers and you don't need to store items.
6. We will be 100% responsible to all your packages.
7. We can offer picture without watermark
If you are interested in any of our products, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to assist you!
Contact information: MSN: xk_zheng@hotmail.com
E-MAIL: xk_zheng@hotmail.comCiudad: guangzhou
Glad to know that you are finding a reliable brand handbags supplier. We would like to build long-term business relationship with your company. We have engaged in manufacturing and selling replica handbags for over 15 years.We supply replica handbags of CHANEL, LV, Gucci, , Balenciaga, , Chole, Christian Dior, Fendi, MiuMiu so on. To the styles of each brand, we can make 98% of them, and all are with refined quality and wholesale price. Welcome to browse our website at www.clbag.com to have a see of the styles and prices.
1. There is no minimum order quantity. You can order some samples to check the quality first.
2. We only offer good quality replica handbags & watches,you can order some samples by use shopping cart at our website directly, and there are wholesale prices for items.
3. To payment terms, we accept Western Union, Bank Wire and Credit card.
4. Shipping: 5-7 days
5. we can do drop ship to your customers and you don't need to store items.
6. We will be 100% responsible to all your packages.
7. We can offer picture without watermark
If you are interested in any of our products, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will be more than happy to assist you!
Contact information: MSN: xk_zheng@hotmail.com
E-MAIL: xk_zheng@hotmail.comCiudad: guangzhou