The edge of the sword

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_E-5_ / editor.: U.K.-The Companion Book Club / Encuadern.: Hardcover / Colec.: / 1 ª edic. / War / ---> The stand of the 1st Battalion, the Gloucestershire Regiment (the Glorious Glosters), at the Eastern Crossing of the Imjin River in Korea has passed into British military history as an epic. More than an authentic front-line account of that engagement as seen and fought in by the Adjutant of the battalion, for he, almost alone, was in command of the whole situation. In vivid detail he paints a picture of a battle, which won admiration, and wonder of the world. Overwhelmed by fantastic odds, with ammunition spent, the author and his remaining men are led into captivity. Describes the dreadful conditions: of interrogations in Pyongyang Political Prison, of an entirely new psychological treatment of prisoner-of-war aimed at capturing their minds and spirits as well as their bodies; of life with the Chinese in and outside prison camps; of his amazing escapee journeys through North Korea, all ending in recapture.
The edge of the sword
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